The side hustles Uganda.
Ways to get your business online

3 Ways to get your business online in Uganda.

Online presence has become a necessity for businesses of all sizes. Given the increment in competition in almost all businesses, it’s a good idea to target more customers through putting your business online. You can now easily and cheaply market and sell your goods to a lot of people through the internet. That is not bound by physical location and many more limitations that hinder businesses that aren’t online. Therefore, in this blog post, we’ll go over the benefits of building an online business and the 3 powerful ways to get your business online in Uganda.

What is an online business?

An online business is one conducted online. This involves the different transaction of goods and services between individuals. There are businesses which are purely online. These are not our focus. Then there are those that are not carried out online but they can also work online as it can ease transactions, improve sales and more. These are our topic for today. How can an offline business shift to online to benefit from the different benefits of being online?

Why you should put your business online.

  • Now that you know what an online business is, this should be yet another question you are asking yourself. Why go online?
  • The reason you should put your business online include;
  • To exploit the internet as a tool for marketing your business
  • You can reach more people with an online presence give many hindrances such as geographic barriers are eliminated.
  • Your website will be available 24/7, 365 days a year hence no limitation of working hours
  • Online marketing costs less than traditional advertising methods like print or television ads hence making it ideal to put your business online.

The reasons why you should put your business online are many. If you wish to know more, you can read our full blogpost on why you should put your business online here

Read also: Top 10 Considerations To Re-pay your Loan Very Well.

How to put your business online in Uganda.

There we go. After having some information about online business, now here are the top 3 powerful ways to get your business online.

Create a website.

This is at its simplest. It’s not hard like rocket science anymore. Even if you don’t know coding, you can build your website for yourself. If you are scared, you can hire someone to do it for you. It is one of the best ways to get yourself online. With a website, you can be assured to exploit ball the advantages of being online from selling more goods, advertising easily and many more. By adopting a website, you shall have successfully put your business online.

Embrace social media.

social media can get your business online
Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

Often times when people hear of getting your business online, all they think about is some expensive website. That isn’t the case always. You can get your business online by getting it pages and accounts on different social media. Through these, you can chat, sell or advertise products. Does this sound great? Then get on the wheels and get your business online for a cheap by opening for it all social media accounts.

Below are some of the ways you can get your business on social media;

  • Create a Facebook page
  • Open a Twitter account
  • Create and Instagram page
  • Publish your media on YouTube
  • Create a WhatsApp business account for interaction with customers.

Be part of online stores.

Online stores are sites that sell goods and services online. These stores deal in a vast amount of goods in that they don’t have all the goods but create a platform through which different businesses can showcase their goods and sell them to customers through their platform. Some even just help hook customers and buyers.

These companies earn a commission for every good they sell which is always added to your original price or charge a fee for advertising or benefit through adds on the platform. This is a super easy way to get online in Uganda. All you need is to contact the administration of the respective platform and see how you can get along.

Read also: How To Find the Right Business Idea.

Some of the platforms in Uganda include;

Jumia Uganda.
Jumia is one of the Ways to get your business online

This is a collection of many sellers and often times you find a product being sold at different prices due to many different buyers being on the platform. You too can get your business online by being part of Jumia Uganda. For details on how to join the many sellers on Jumia Uganda, read the guidelines on the link.

Jiji Uganda.
Jiji is one of the Ways to get your business online

This is more of a platform for connecting buyers and sellers. This is easier to use compared to Jumia. All you have to do is register your account and then make posts if the different goods and services you offer. Your posts will be reviewed and published if them conform to the post standards by Jiji Uganda.

I have just given an example of jumia and jiji uganda but there are many more platforms you can look out for in Uganda.


You have a business that is looking for more exposure, it’s time to consider the benefits of the internet. You can reach more people with your message when you market through digital channels like social media or email campaigns and keep in touch around the clock. Your website will be available 24/7, 365 days a year which means potential customers don’t need to wait until they’re near your store hours before being able to learn about what you offer.

The internet also costs far less than traditional advertising methods like print or television ads so there’s no reason not to get started today! Creating your own website from scratch has never been easier thanks to affordable templates and easy-to-use content management systems. If your business is not ready for a website now due to financial and expertise issues, then you can try online stores like Jiji and Jumia Uganda. These can help and obviously not ignoring the power of social media. I look forward to listening to your success story online.

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