livestock rearing – The Side Hustles Side hustle ideas Wed, 29 Dec 2021 14:01:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 livestock rearing – The Side Hustles 32 32 10 Profitable livestock Business Ideas to start. Wed, 21 Jul 2021 15:08:45 +0000 Livestock farming is one of the most profitable low-cost small-scale side hustle/ business ideas you can start. Livestock products such as meat have a high steadily growing demand. If you have capital, you can start small and grow steadily. In this post, we shall highlight 10 profitable livestock business ideas.

Is livestock farming profitable?

Before starting any side hustle/ business, the natural question that comes to anyone’s mind is How profitable is the hustle/ business?

An answer to this question is yes, but it depends on a lot of factors. Some of which are, what livestock are you dealing with, your location, and more. Therefore, while choosing an animal rearing hustle, you need to put all these factors under consideration.

Read also: 10 easy profitable gardening business ideas.

Why livestock farming?

There are many side hustle ideas but why livestock rearing? This is the question I guess most of you are asking yourselves. There are some personal reasons as to why specific people may prefer livestock rearing such as it being a hobby. Some specific ones give it an edge. Below are some of them.

  • It doesn’t require a lot of time.

This makes livestock rearing exceptional. There are many sides hustles out there, but only a handful require very little time to do. Remember, a side hustle should not negatively impact your main hustle. One that shall actually not affect is livestock farming. This is because of the very little time they require.

You can read more about how to save time for your side hustles in your tight schedule.

  • It doesn’t require a lot of skill to do.

This is what gave birth to the myth “agribusinesses are for the uneducated”. The hustle requires very little skill or no skill. You can always invite your veterinary doctor to help out with the complex roles of the hustle.

  • You can start it small with very little startup capital.

Not all hustles can start small and some side hustles require a lot of capital to start on a small scale.

  • Livestock rearing is scalable.

You can start the side hustles on a small scale and later expand them. This applies to all livestock side hustles which may not apply to others.

The reasons you should start a livestock rearing side hustle/ business are many. You can read more about them here.

Here are the top 10 profitable livestock small-scale side hustle/business ideas you can start today.


Beekeeping is a top small-scale livestock rearing idea. Are bees livestock? If that’s what you are asking yourself? The short answer is yes, they are.  I consider beekeeping a passive idea. That’s because bees are heavy workers. They do most of the work for you. After setting up your apiary, what is left are checkups. Beekeeping is gaining popularity nowadays. If you wish, you can give it a try as it’s easier now because a lot of people have gained experience in the field.

Reas also; how to start a beekeeping business in uganda.

Goat rearing.
profitable livestock business ideas
Photo by Jorge Salvador on Unsplash

Goat rearing is a very profitable venture that you can start. Goats are very resistant to diseases and pests, require relatively small land for grazing and their products such as meat have a ready market. You can start goat rearing on a small scale with at least three goats. Your backyard can serve as a grazing field and you can consider a bigger field as the hustle grows.

Sheep rearing.

Sheep is a perfect substitute for goats. Just like goats, they too are resistant to diseases and pests. They require very little space for grazing and the only difference is that people prefer goat’s meat to sheep. Sheep are raised on a free-range system especially in the villages or under shades where food is provided. You can give them a try.

Rabbit rearing.
rabbit rearing as a livestock idea
Photo by Gavin Allanwood on Unsplash

Rabbit meat is one of the best and it’s recommended by health personnel for people with health problems. This is because it is purely white meat and this has made its demand skyrocket. You can start rabbit rearing on a small scale in your backyard with the smallest number of two. Rabbits multiply and grow so fast. In a short time, you’ll get back all your investment capital and profits. Rabbits are vegetarians and you’ll feed them mainly on greens and special pelleted feeds. It’s is one of the ideas that require very small startup capital that you can start.

Chicken rearing.

Chicken rearing is a top business/ side hustle you can start today. It has a ready market from the locals, restaurants, hotels, and also from all other businesses that deal in chicken. You can start rearing broilers for meat, layers for eggs, and rearing local chicken on a free-range system for their meat. It’s a good idea to start small and grow your hustle steadily.

Quail farming.

Quails are a special type of bird whose meat and eggs are used as medicine due to the vast minerals and vitamins they contain. Quails lay more eggs than layers and their eggs are expensive than chicken eggs. This makes quails a worthwhile and profitable venture that you can start.


Pork is one of the highly consumed meat worldwide. The demand for pork is steady and rising gradually as pork is consumed nowadays like never before. You can start piggery on a small scale just with few pigs in your backyard. You can feed the pigs on standard formulated feeds and greens as supplements.

Fish farming.

In old days, fish was got from natural water resources. Due to increased demand and extinction, these sources can no longer meet the demand for fish. You can do fish farming in artificial ponds or tanks. Just like any other animal, you can feed fish on natural foods such as greens or special feeds that are made specifically for the fish. Fish farming is fun and profitable especially if you do it right.

Read also: Top roadside businesses in uganda.

Dairy farming.

Dairy farming is the rearing of livestock mainly dairy cattle and goats for milk. Milk is highly consumed throughout the world as a tea by both babies and adults. Dairy farming is a very good venture though it’s a little challenging and expensive to start on a small scale. There are a lot of challenges that come with dairy cattle. But with all these challenges, you can still successfully run the side hustle and reap good from it.

Duck and turkey rearing.
duck rearing as a profitable livestock idea
Photo by David Clode (Unsplash)

Duck and turkey rearing is part of poultry farming under the livestock category. Ducks and Turkeys are not advocated much compared to chicken rearing. But actually, it’s just that they are a little expensive for a small family say the turkey, and have some bias from some cultures and religions. As a business, if you can specialize in them, you can get good money as there are people who like them.


All that is required of you is to choose one of the top 10 profitable livestock business ideas and start it. The start may be challenging but things shall normalize with time. Starting a business is the way to fight unemployment.

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