gardening – The Side Hustles Side hustle ideas Tue, 28 Dec 2021 20:00:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 gardening – The Side Hustles 32 32 Why you should consider agribusiness for business. Wed, 21 Jul 2021 15:06:02 +0000 Why you should consider agribusiness? Agribusiness is any business that involves producing, processing, and handling agricultural products. It also includes aids to produce agricultural products such as agricultural consumables and more. Agribusinesses are of many categories and they don’t always come up to the hard work as many think. There are white-collar jobs in agribusiness too. You can operate an agribusiness without necessarily doing the “dirty” work. Some people are unemployed simply because they have biases about agribusinesses. They have the resources but the bias against agriculture can’t allow them to start a business in the sector. In this article, I will discuss why you should consider agribusiness for a business or side hustle.

Just because I am discussing why you should consider an agribusiness doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the best. Other non-agribusinesses can also work out. It’s all about what favors you. Am encouraging agribusiness because of the many reasons I’ll discuss. And also because the current generation is biased against them.

Why do you need a side hustle?

This article is about why you should consider agribusiness for a side hustle. But one may ask, Why do I actually need a side hustle?

The reasons you need a side hustle are many. To earn additional income, learn a new skill, keep yourself busy, and more. You can read more about why you need a side hustle here.

Before looking at why you should consider agribusiness, let’s look at myths that people raise against agribusinesses.

Myth is the core behind all the bias against the sector. Below, I’ll discuss some that people raise.

  • Agribusiness are full of hard labour.

This is no more. Machines have come in to do the heavy work involved in agribusiness. Though there is still some human labour required just like in any other business.

  • It’s for the poor.

The rich too can do farming. And there aren’t any criteria that determine who should or shouldn’t do an agribusiness. Agribusiness is a Plain business and so, whoever is interested in making money can freely join.

This can apply to subsistence farmers only maybe. Agribusinesses pay off well and a lot of people are rich doing agribusinesses.

  • They are for the uneducated.

Almost everyone is educated in today’s generation, and you too can do an agribusiness with whatsoever qualifications. It’s plain business.

Reasons why you should consider agribusiness for a side hustle.

There are a lot of reasons you should start or consider an agribusiness. By starting one, a lot of parties shall benefit from your initiative to start one. The government, your neighbors and other people shall all benefit. In this article, I’ll try to limit it to personal benefits. There are hardly any people who start side hustles with the sole aim of benefiting a neighbor.

Favorable government policies.

Agribusinesses are the backbone of every economy, especially on the African continent. They provide food directly or indirectly and revenue, especially to the locals. The government always sets up policies that favor the sector. In addition, it heavily supports it through poverty elimination campaigns. This is done by providing resources, services, and more. By investing in this sector, you stand a chance of free assistance from the government and most of its policies shall favor your hustle.

There is a ready market for agribusiness products and services.

Food is life. Agribusinesses provide food for the masses directly or indirectly. Farming as an agribusiness directly provides food. Farm supply services aid farming hence indirectly providing food. As the final product ” food” has assured ready market, then it avails it for all agribusinesses.

Expertise and experience in the sector are easily accessible.

Another reason you should consider agribusiness is the higher chances of growth given the availability of experts in the sector. The experts help out in case things are not right. This makes agribusinesses stand a higher chance of success. This is not the case in other sectors where you may fail to find an expert locally.

You can start small.

Almost all agribusinesses can be started on a small scale. This is not the case with all other businesses. Others require big startup capital and mass production to achieve success. This reduces your risk in the business and gives you a chance to learn the business at work. You can consider expansion of the hustle at a later stage when you’ve gained experience in it.

Minimal income requirements at the start especially when starting small.

Money is the biggest problem. You may wish to start a side hustle or business but when you don’t have the money. Most unemployed people are in this category. They have very good ideas but with no money to start them.  Sometimes, you prefer to start small but the capital to start small is also a lot. This is not the case with agribusinesses. If you have little money but wish to start a business, consider agribusinesses. They require small startup capital and can help you raise capital for other better ideas that require more.

You can read through these low-cost agribusinesses by clicking here

Small-time requirements.

If time, is your problem doing a side hustle, then agribusinesses are your friend. Not all agribusinesses require little time. But some do. The average time required for agribusiness especially farming is small. For example, apiculture requires very little time. You can do some research about others.

You can read about how to save time in your busy schedule for your agribusiness.

Good expansion potential.

Expansion of agribusinesses is unlimited because of the ready market for the products. It’s not nice to start a small-scale business and later realize, you can’t expand it any further. This limits you to the small profits from the small-scale side hustle hence limiting your development. This isn’t the case with agribusinesses.


Doing agribusinesses is easy and profitable. if you want to start a side hustle, you can try out some of these livestock rearing agribusinesses.

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