crop growing – The Side Hustles Side hustle ideas Wed, 29 Dec 2021 14:19:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 crop growing – The Side Hustles 32 32 10 Easy Profitable Gardening Business ideas. Sat, 31 Jul 2021 15:00:24 +0000 Gardening or crop growing is the major source of food in every economy. When it comes to African countries, it’s the backbone of the economy. Most of the economies in Africa have crop products as their major exports and a lot of people are employed in this sector. Doing gardening comes with a lot of benefits.

Provision of food to the family and county at large, and its a source of revenue to many. If you are doing it to generate revenue, then you have assured ready market. There are many more reasons you should consider agribusiness for a business and gardening in particular. It’s up to you to choose an idea that suits your schedule, space, and other resources. Below are 10 easy profitable small-scale gardening business ideas that you can try out.

These are the top gardening business ideas.

Nursery for seedlings.

A lot of plants start their journey in a nursery bed including trees. Raising seedlings in a nursery requires a lot of experience and skills. This leaves a lot of people out especially those who want to grow a given plant on a small scale. You can use this to your advantage and specialize in raising seedlings. It is one of the profitable gardening businesses that require very little land and time. Do your research about the highly demanded seedlings in your area, how to raise them, and start. I wish you the best of luck looking after those little ones.

Read also: 10 profitable livestock business ideas for you.

Mushroom growing.

Mushroom growing is one of the top small-scale gardening ideas. It has very high demand due to its health benefits and this makes it a worthwhile idea. Growing mushrooms is easy and non-tedious as compared to other gardening ideas. It requires very small land, startup capital, and skills. You can do mushroom growing as a backyard business if the backyard is all you have as free space or you can rent out someones’. To start, you mainly need a structure for the project, artificial soils, and the seeds that you can get from your supplier.


Ginger is a spice that is added to tea, juice, and many more foods to enhance taste and smell. There are many methods of growing ginger though I prefer growing it in holes or dug-out pits. This method produces more ginger and requires a very small piece of land. If you have your backyard as the only free space, you got no excuse, you can take on ginger growing as a backyard side hustle idea. However small your backyard may be, as long as it has access to sunlight, you are good to make your first million growing ginger.


tomato growing as a profitable gardening business
Photo by Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash

Tomato growing is not a new idea. Some of you may have tried it out already and you got unthinkable results. Sorry about that. Next time, you ought to do better if only you consider these.

  • Type of tomatoes you are growing.
  • The season you are growing them.

These two considerations may apply to all gardening ideas but it gets to the edge with tomatoes. In the wet season, supply is too much and the price drastically falls. Which is the reverse in the dry season. You can make good cash growing tomatoes in the dry season especially in African countries where the irrigation system is just developing.

The other consideration is the type of tomatoes you grow. There are different types of tomatoes and I would encourage you to grow the hybrids for better yields.

Read also; Top small startup side hustles ideas in Uganda.

Onion and garlic.

Just like ginger, these are also used as spices. They have very high demand as everyone likes to eats well-spiced food hence worthwhile ideas. For the case of onions, I would suggest you grow the big ones as they yield better and they are more resistant to weather and all the harsh conditions. You don’t need a lot of land growing these as a side hustle so you can do it small and earn well.

Vegetables Growing and selling.

Vegetables are eaten as supplements/side dishes by many people. They are recommended by medical personnel to everyone for their nutrients especially vitamins. This makes vegetable growing one of the profitable gardening businesses you can do. Some vegetables that you may start growing include cabbages, greens, and more. You can start on a small scale growing any of the vegetables. Just like tomatoes, the type, breed, and season you grow your vegetables matter a lot to get good returns.


Carrots are root vegetables. Most people eat carrots as healthy food, they chew them raw, boiled, or in soup to improve it and make it thicker. There are a lot of health benefits of carrots. The myth of seeing in the dark if you eat a lot of them told to children pushes their demand higher in addition to recommendations by health personnel. As a stay home mum, growing these will not only improve your dish but also make your pockets smile.


The cocktail is the order of the fresh juice industry. Nowadays, people prefer blends of different fruits watermelon being one of them. Amongst all those blended, it’s the easiest to grow. It doesn’t require a lot of skills and capital to grow watermelons. For the land requirement, your backyard can do the work if you have a reasonable one.

popcorn growing as a profitable gardening business
Photo by Ɓukasz Rawa on Unsplash

Popcorn is a type of maize that expands and puffs out when heated. Growing popcorn is one of the best gardening ideas. Popcorns have a ready market and their price is good too. Depending on your scale of operations, the land requirement ranges from small to big. Unless you have a big backyard, this might not work out there. Give it a try and you’ll share the success story.

Read also: 20 profitable business ideas for a student.

Green and red pepper.

These are exceptional spices. Some people feel so bad when they eat food without them especially red peppers yet they can’t grow them. Exploit this opportunity by growing these spices for them. You can grow these on a small piece of land and earn well.


There are many profitable gardening businesses you can start on a small scale. Feel free to share some that aren’t here in the comment box.

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