business failure – The Side Hustles Side hustle ideas Wed, 29 Dec 2021 17:44:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 business failure – The Side Hustles 32 32 10 Worst Mistakes I made when starting my side hustle. Sat, 09 Oct 2021 18:55:33 +0000 The reality is that the majority of people lack the funds to start a business or side hustle on their own, but this doesn’t mean you can’t achieve your dreams. With careful planning and guidance from experts, you can finally set up your dream business today! Every businessman will tell you that the hardest part of starting a side hustle is starting. I’ll share my personal experience with starting my own business in hopes that it will help you avoid some common mistakes I made when starting. I hope this will help you easily start your side hustle.

Ready to get started? Let’s dive in!

1. I didn’t have a plan.

A business plan is a written document that describes in detail how a business startup shall run, defines its objectives, and how it is to achieve those objectives. This was one of the Mistakes I made when starting my hustle. A good business plan guides one through the whole business process meaning you’ll be operating on a developed system rather than following the “wind direction” in your activities. Don’t make this mistake as I did.

2. I got too comfortable too quickly..

I call this the business worm. It shall eat up your hustle and cause stunted development. This comes into play when you set your target and meet it. You then get comfortable with the little you are getting. Yes, you are earning something, but you can do better. Push harder. This shall surely affect you if you are not good at setting goals and chasing them.

3. I was afraid to ask for help or advice..

Ask, ask, and ask should be your growth weapon as a starter. This was also among the mistakes I made when starting. When you ask or seek help and guidance, you learn more. Then you can easily do things and get your hustle on the go. Some people fear to ask yet it’s human and not everyone started as an expert. So don’t be afraid bro ask.

Read also: The key elements to success for a new business.

4. I thought it would be easy to get motivated..

Another top one among the mistakes I made while starting is forgetting about motivation. Demotivation is real as you move on with the hustle especially if it’s underperforming. Before starting the hustle, think about this because it shall lead to underperformance. What is your source of motivation to keep you moving even on the worst days? Try out something you like. That alone shall be a source of motivation.

You can read more about how to choose the best ideas that won’t get you bored on your journey

5. I did it alone.

Don’t do it alone – find a partner with who you can work. As the saying goes, “Two heads are better than one”, not always but this time, exactly. Doing tasks and all that is related gets simpler with a bigger force. Sometimes you are new in the industry or less skilled and a more skilled partner would help. This doesn’t mean that you always have to employ someone, reason out if it’s necessary.

6. I was not realistic about my goals and expectations.

This I was lacking a lot. In addition, motivation speakers worsen this. They told me how I could earn fortunes in a short time. While this may be true, it’s important to look at how possible it is. Most time, you can’t just be up in a twinkle, you need hard work, patience, and persistence. Just make sure your goal and objectives are achievable not to be disappointed at the end of the day.

7. I did not plan adequately what my business would be providing.

This is yet another one among the top mistakes I made while starting. It’s common with those producing multiple products. Your business can produce a lot of products but there should be that key most important product to your business. Additionally, carry out a detailed customer study to determine who your target market is exactly.

Read also: Why most businesse fail.

8. I spent a lot on marketing, advertising, and other expenses.

Marketing and spending on your business can be endless. You’ll never be satisfied with your business status. Just like I was, if you don’t know how much you want to spend, you’ll spend too big. Always have at the back of your mind what you are willing to spend to avoid this error and running into losses

9. I lacked a plan for what I wanted my business to look like.

A plan for what you want your business to look like always gives you a reason to work harder especially if you have not yet made it there. Not having one always makes you lag or have no challenge. This can keep your hustles stagnant. So, try to always have a challenge. After achieving one challenge, you can always set the other.

10. I lacked a system to track data coming from customers.

You should use customers feedback as a business building block. If you are producing a product, ask how your customers found it. This can help you improve the product to better satisfy your clients. If clients are dissatisfied with your product, this is an indicator of your product being substandard and can lead to business failure. Watch this.


With all these mistakes, it’s a wonder how I was able to grow my hustle quickly.  Once I had a plan in place and started following through and avoiding the mistakes listed here, things began to take off. Whether you’re just starting or have been hustling for years without much success , don’t give up! You can do this! Just remember that there are no shortcuts when it comes to success. The slow process may feel like torture at times, but as long as you stay persistent and committed, you’ll get there.

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9 reasons Why Most Businesses Fail. Thu, 09 Sep 2021 19:28:50 +0000 In the past decade, there has been an alarming number of business failures. In fact, in 2020 alone, nearly half of all new businesses were failing within their first five years. And these are just the companies that have filed for bankruptcy, many more may have gone out of business without ever filing a formal notice with the court. This is not to mention how few businesses actually make it to five years old! So, what can be done? What mistakes do entrepreneurs commonly make when they start a company? What does this mean for you as an entrepreneur or investor? Why most businesses fail? This i what we answer in thins post.

This blog post will teach you everything that you need to know about running your own business and staying afloat in this fast-paced world of today.  Read on and find out!

The reasons why most businesses fail are the major mistakes that most entrepreneurs make. this can guide you on your next step as an entrepreneur.

Below are the major reasons why most businesses fail.

 Not enough customers.

Most businesses fail due to lack of enough customers. The customer is king in any business. They are the. The reason why you do business. Knowing your customers individually is important. Even if there is a “new boy in town”, you remain with those loyal ones that can bail out your hustle during bad times.  Insufficient customers can make your business fail. As a businessman/ woman, you have to do all it takes to keep your coatomers.

Here are a few tips to help you keep your customers;
  • Make quality and always meet their expectation quality wise.
  • Develop a business relationship with them. You can even know your customers by name.
  • Be nice and friendly especially when serving or selling to them.
  • Ask for feedback from them to know how they actually feel about the product to improve it and make it better fit their needs and preferences.
Lack of knowledge about the business.

This is another reason why businesses fail. In business, knowing what, how, and when to do something is important. This is what makes the difference. It makes you produce good quality products, target the right people, and all that. You don’t always start a business as an expert, you can learn along the way. But have it in mind to learn. Put in some effort to learn more about the business and become knowledgeable about it. Lack of sufficient knowledge shall lead you to wrong decisions and ruin your business. Be on the watch.

Read also; Mistakes i made when starting my side hustle

Wastage of resources.

This can be in the form of inputs, too many employees, and things of the sort. Resources help you run the business the right way. But come at a cost. An example of labor helps in the production processes but you have to pay for it. If you have a lot of workers, this means you’ll be paying more for less. Carry out an audit of employees. Find out how much work they do in relation to their pay.

It’s a wise idea to get rid of redundant labor not forgetting that you needn’t overwork and underpay your labor. Their happiness is part of your success. You can then apply this to all other resources. There is a tendency to waste resources especially at the start of the hustle. Watch this.

 Lack of a clear vision or Lack of a business plan or strategy.

Most small startup side hustles lack this. It’s very important and it is best highlighted by a proposal of which most businesses start without one. Try to write one for your business and make your vision clear. See. Your vision comes out realistically with a strategy. Your strategy shall guide you through the process and let you work with your vision at the back of your mind. This is because the vision is inherent in your strategy.

Read also: Mistakes we make when writing business plans.

Poor management skills.

Management is key to the success of any business. Good management ensures that the resources are utilized well, available on time, and the general smooth running of the business. Oftentimes, business owners neglect management. They always think they can do it themselves. Yes, they may, but not at their best. It’s better to employ a business manager especially when the business has grown. Try an experienced business manager today and you’ll tell us the story.

Poor customer service and Failure to meet customers’ expectations.

Poor customer service is another core reason why businesses fail. We did discuss already that the customer is king in any business. Here, another point related to customers is on the list again. This time, not about them being few, but being treated not as kings yet then are as far as business is concerned. Often times I visit businesses and am treated as though am unwanted.

This always marks my break up with that particular businesses. Not me alone, but most people do that. It doesn’t cost a lot to treat a customer well in terms of your interaction and as far as the product is concerned. Do this and you’ll see success befall your side hustle. Failure to do this, you’ll be on your failure journey.

 Limited resources like money, time, and People.

Limited resources add up to no financial backing. Because, if the finances are there, you can nearly get all the other resources such as labor and more. Money is one of the major requirements to kickstart your side hustle. If you get it wrong, your side hustle will slowly but steadily fail.

The good news is that there are many ways we can raise money for startups. You can read one of our blog posts on how to raise capital for your side hustles to get equipped with those techniques. Nevertheless, management of the finances is very important as mismanagement isn’t a good option either. A loan may work out pretty well for most and you needn’t worry about how to pay it well. We got you a post about considerations to repay your loan well. For the case of money, you need to give it extra attention for the good of your side hustles. if you get it right with money, one of the reasons businesses fail is off

Unrealistic goals and expectations.

While starting a side hustle, you always have goals and expectations. Rome wasn’t built in one day. You too can’t build your side hustle and your brand in a short. It takes time. Try to be patient with the right goals. When you achieve a goal, it’s always a milestone. But let the goal be realistic, achievable, measurable, specific, and be time-bound. Astronomic goals and expectations shall not be achieved and shall lead to frustration and let you think that there is no progress. Remember, achieving a goal is encouraging. If your goals can be achieved, you lack that bit of motivation and fail to see a reason for work. This often gets your business on its death journey.

Failure in the marketplace

This may include, not enough demand for products or services offered by the company, no pricing structure that is competitive with other companies in the market, Failure to adapt to changes in the market or industry, and more things like that. The market is where you get it right or wrong. If you can’t sufficiently operate and adapt to the rapidly changing market conditions, then the future of your hustle giant is guaranteed. Try to do market research and keep your product updated as far as the market is concerned.

Read also: The key elements to success for a new business.


The truth is, any company can be successful when they have a clear vision of what success looks like. When you know who your customers are and provide them with the best customer service possible, it’s hard to go wrong. Brain research has shown that people make up their minds about whether or not to buy something in just three seconds (or less). This means there’s no time for companies without strong management skills or resources to waste on unrealistic goals and expectations!

If you’re looking for help boosting sales by understanding how your brain works so you can leverage neuroscience principles in digital marketing strategy, we’ve got some experts waiting to partner with you today. Have you ever tried incorporating these principles into your own business? Let us know in the comment box. Thank you.

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